I am a psychologist fluent in English and Finnish. I am trained in CBT, Schema Therapy and ACT, and offer help with depression, anxiety(panic/OCD), stress, trauma, interpersonal issues, and other difficulties. You can contact me for a free phonecall to discuss your needs before scheduling a meeting.
As a therapist, my aim is to provide a non-judgmental space, where you feel respected and seen. My role as a psychologist is to help you gain a better understanding of the issues you experience (e.g., based on psychological models) and to provide you with tools and knowledge to manage these difficulties outside of therapy. I use cognitive-behavioral and experiential techniques, including acceptance and commitment therapy, schema therapy, and mindfulness. I continue to train myself, and may therefore also use techniques from other therapies depending on the client and context.
Vad gör man i mina sessioner
I am available for a free initial phonecall to discuss the nature of your concerns before booking a session. The initial session/s focus on understanding your difficulties as well as possible. I will ask you questions and may ask you to fill in a psychological inventory/inventories. We will also focus on discussing and setting therapy goals. During the process of therapy, I will be increasing your insight into behavioral, emotional, and thought processes, and ways to manage or decrease patterns and difficulties that emerge. I may give you tasks to do in-between sessions or ask you to fill in a diary (i.e.) to record feelings / thoughts throughout the week. Every client is different, and we will be evaluating your well-being and adjusting the treatment plan depending on what works or does not work for you.
Jag erbjuder hjälp för
Masennukseen/ahdistukseenIhmissuhdeongelmiinPäihdeongelmaan/riippuvuuteenTyöuupumukseenVanhemmuuden haasteisiinHuonoon itsetuntoonPahaan oloonElämäntapamuutokseenSyömiseen liittyviin vaikeuksiinSosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoonPaniikkikohtauksiinPakko-oireisiinFobiaan/kammoonVihanpurkauksien hallitsemiseenMenneisyyteni käsittelyynVaikeaan elämäntilanteeseenItsetuhoisiin ajatuksiinKaksisuuntaiseen mielialahäiriöönPersoonallisuushäiriöönPsykoottisiin häiriöihinHenkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseenUnivaikeuksiinViiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseenFyysisen sairauden käsittelemiseen
Min professionella bakgrund och kunnande
I hold a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from the University of Leiden (the Netherlands). Before my MSc, I studied Neuroscience and Psychology at Maastricht University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science, cum laude, in Psychology from Leiden University. My education has equipped me with important knowledge on the assessment/diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. I also do psychological testing. I have received training in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), short-term interpersonal therapy (IPT), schema therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and I am trained to work with neurodiversity (i.e., ASD, ADHD). In my work, I have gained experience in working with depressive-, anxiety-, obsessive-compulsive- and personality disorders, traumatic experiences, relationship difficulties, and immigration stress.
Mina patientgrupper
I have a good understanding of the difficulties that can emerge as an expat, developed through my own experiences of living abroad, working with expats, and specific training in cultural psychology. Although I have a keen interest in working with expats (incl. Finns living abroad), I am happy to work with you regardless of your background. I focus on working with adults, assessing and helping with a range of difficulties, and/or increasing overall well-being and life satisfaction.