Hemsidan / Hitta hjälp / Viivi Elo-Rauta

Viivi Elo-Rauta

Psykologin keskusteluhoito Psykologi, Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
Etävastaanotto, koko Suomi
Helsinki, Punavuori
Englanti Suomi
Aikuiset 18-67v
Terapis längd
Lyhytkestoinen Pitkäkestoinen Yksittäinen konsultaatio
Terapeut erbjuder
Päiväaikoja Ilta-aikoja
Tämä ammattilainen tarjoaa psykologin keskusteluhoitoa. Läsa mer.
I am a psychologist fluent in English and Finnish. I am trained in CBT, Schema Therapy and ACT, and offer help with depression, anxiety(panic/OCD), stress, trauma, interpersonal issues, and other difficulties. You can contact me for a free phonecall to discuss your needs before scheduling a meeting.
Psykoterapeutisk orientering
  • Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
  • Kognitiivinen
Ytterligare utbilgningar

Interpersoonallinen psykoterapia (IPT) Skeematerapia

Hurdan är jag som psykologi

As a therapist, my aim is to provide a non-judgmental space, where you feel respected and seen. My role as a psychologist is to help you gain a better understanding of the issues you experience (e.g., based on psychological models) and to provide you with tools and knowledge to manage these difficulties outside of therapy. I use cognitive-behavioral and experiential techniques, including acceptance and commitment therapy, schema therapy, and mindfulness. I continue to train myself, and may therefore also use techniques from other therapies depending on the client and context.

Vad gör man i mina sessioner

I am available for a free initial phonecall to discuss the nature of your concerns before booking a session. The initial session/s focus on understanding your difficulties as well as possible. I will ask you questions and may ask you to fill in a psychological inventory/inventories. We will also focus on discussing and setting therapy goals. During the process of therapy, I will be increasing your insight into behavioral, emotional, and thought processes, and ways to manage or decrease patterns and difficulties that emerge. I may give you tasks to do in-between sessions or ask you to fill in a diary (i.e.) to record feelings / thoughts throughout the week. Every client is different, and we will be evaluating your well-being and adjusting the treatment plan depending on what works or does not work for you.

Jag erbjuder hjälp för
Masennukseen/ahdistukseen Ihmissuhdeongelmiin Päihdeongelmaan/riippuvuuteen Työuupumukseen Vanhemmuuden haasteisiin Huonoon itsetuntoon Pahaan oloon Elämäntapamuutokseen Syömiseen liittyviin vaikeuksiin Sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoon Paniikkikohtauksiin Pakko-oireisiin Fobiaan/kammoon Vihanpurkauksien hallitsemiseen Menneisyyteni käsittelyyn Vaikeaan elämäntilanteeseen Itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin Kaksisuuntaiseen mielialahäiriöön Persoonallisuushäiriöön Psykoottisiin häiriöihin Henkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseen Univaikeuksiin Viiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseen Fyysisen sairauden käsittelemiseen
Min professionella bakgrund och kunnande

I hold a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology from the University of Leiden (the Netherlands). Before my MSc, I studied Neuroscience and Psychology at Maastricht University, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science, cum laude, in Psychology from Leiden University. My education has equipped me with important knowledge on the assessment/diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders. I also do psychological testing. I have received training in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), short-term interpersonal therapy (IPT), schema therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and I am trained to work with neurodiversity (i.e., ASD, ADHD). In my work, I have gained experience in working with depressive-, anxiety-, obsessive-compulsive- and personality disorders, traumatic experiences, relationship difficulties, and immigration stress.

Mina patientgrupper

I have a good understanding of the difficulties that can emerge as an expat, developed through my own experiences of living abroad, working with expats, and specific training in cultural psychology. Although I have a keen interest in working with expats (incl. Finns living abroad), I am happy to work with you regardless of your background. I focus on working with adults, assessing and helping with a range of difficulties, and/or increasing overall well-being and life satisfaction.

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