Hemsidan / Hitta hjälp / Kim Seppälä

Kim Seppälä

Psykologin keskusteluhoito Psykologi, Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
Helsinki, Töölö
Englanti Saksa Suomi
Aikuiset 18-67v Parit
Terapis längd
Yksittäinen konsultaatio Pitkäkestoinen Lyhytkestoinen
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I'm an English-speaking clinical psychologist. I offer psychological therapy for stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, and relationship issues. I offer CBT, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness-based therapy and Compassion focused therapy. Please send a message to book an appointment.
Psykoterapeutisk orientering
  • Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
  • Pariterapia
Ytterligare utbilgningar


Hurdan är jag som psykologi

My aim is to support my clients in restoring a state of psychological wellbeing in a safe, non-judgmental space. My therapeutic style is collaborative and compassionate; I encourage clients to take an active role in therapy, and guide them to their inner resources.
I have a Masters in Clinical and Health Psychology, and have trained and worked in both public and private settings.
My approach to therapy is integrative, and combines elements from: mindfulness-based therapies, ACT Therapy, experiential therapies (IFS, Coherence Therapy), self-compassion, and attachment theory (how childhood experiences influence current relationship dynamics). My Masters' dissertation focused on trauma recovery.
My approach is based on the premise that psychological wellbeing can be learned and practiced.

Vad gör man i mina sessioner

In the first few sessions with a client, my aim is to create a safe space, establish a good therapeutic relationship and understand the client's aims for therapy: what is the core problem that the client is struggling with, and what type of change are they aiming for. During this phase I'll be listening attentively, asking a lot of questions and taking notes.
Based on the initial sessions, I will make a treatment plan. While I tailor the sessions based on each client’s needs and aims, some common ways of working include: identifying and unlearning patterns that are keeping you stuck; learning emotion-skills and new ways of relating to thoughts, learning relationship skills, learning techniques that reduce stress and enhance personal growth.
In some cases, the focus of therapy is more on allowing and accepting certain experiences, for example when the client is dealing with chronic illness or grief.
I generally like to give my clients action steps to practise at home.

Jag erbjuder hjälp för
Masennukseen/ahdistukseen Ihmissuhdeongelmiin Päihdeongelmaan/riippuvuuteen Työuupumukseen Vanhemmuuden haasteisiin Huonoon itsetuntoon Pahaan oloon Elämäntapamuutokseen Sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoon Paniikkikohtauksiin Fobiaan/kammoon Vihanpurkauksien hallitsemiseen Seksuaalisiin ongelmiin Menneisyyteni käsittelyyn Seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön käsittelyyn Rikoksen uhriksi joutumisen, äkillisen menetyksen tai muun traumaattisen kokemuksen käsittelyyn Vaikeaan elämäntilanteeseen Itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin Henkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseen Univaikeuksiin Sukupuoli- tai seksuaali-identiteetin kysymyksiin Viiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseen Fyysisen sairauden käsittelemiseen
Min professionella bakgrund och kunnande

I'm a clinical psychologist licensed in Finland by Valvira. I hold a MSc in Clinical and Health Psychology from Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal, and a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) degree from the University of Malta. I have also trained in experiential therapy techniques with Dr. Tori Olds and in Coherence Therapy techniques with Bruce Ecker. In addition, I have completed a training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
After having worked as a school psychologist in Porvoo, I started my private practice in April 2021.
In addition to my psychology training, I’m also a certified yoga instructor and a mindfulness practitioner.

Mina patientgrupper

I work with adults and over 16-year old adolescents. Most of my clients are expats living in Finland or individuals with a multicultural background.
My approach is LGBTQ-friendly.

In addition to working with individuals, I also like to work with couples.

Extra info

As a clinical psychologist, I use evidence bases treatment. Clinical psychologists usually have 6+ years of training, and are trained in assessing and treating mental health issues. In Finland, psychologists do not diagnose or prescribe medication, though we might refer a client to a psychiatrist. We can however make cognitive assessments (such as intelligence and learning assessments).
Psychologists working in Finland are licensed by Valvira, though they currently are not reimbursed by KELA in the same way as licensed psychotherapists are.

Pris för inledande besök


Pris för regelbunden session


Mer info om prissättning

The consultation is 50 minutes long. This fee also includes all phone calls and letters with the client and with other health professionals if required.
If you require a psychological report this is an additional cost. Please be aware that there are no KELA rebates for Clinical Psychology services in Finland.
I offer a free 20 minute phone call before booking the first session.

Price for evening sessions (starting at 16:00 or later) is 115€

Price for couples counselling session (80 minutes) is 170€