Hemsidan / Hitta hjälp / Hatty Francis-Ehnholm

Hatty Francis-Ehnholm

Psykologin keskusteluhoito Psykologi, Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
Helsinki, Kluuvi/Kaisaniemi
Englanti Ruotsi
Aikuiset 18-67v Nuoret 13-17v Lapset alle 13v Perheet Ryhmät
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I offer CBT and Integrative Therapy in English for adults, adolescents, children & families. I am a British trained Clinical Psychologist, training to be a Integrative Psychotherapist & take clients for training purposes at a discounted rate.
Psykoterapeutisk orientering
  • Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
  • Integratiivinen
Ytterligare utbilgningar

Kriisit ja traumat Mindfulness Skeematerapia Dialektinen käyttäytymisterapia (DKT) Kiintymyssuhteen tukeminen

Hurdan är jag som psykologi

I am active during therapy, but also take time to give you the space to be reflective and express your feelings fully. I have a very compassionate and warm approach, and I like to use humour where appropriate. However, I am not afraid to push and challenge you gently, but firmly to make lasting and positive change in your life. For this reason you will find that your will learn a lot about yourself, as well as many skills, techniques and tools to improve your health and mental-wellbeing for the long-term.

Vad gör man i mina sessioner

I like to spend time doing a thorough assessment, which may last several sessions. After this I like to spend time making a really good co-created understanding or formulation of your difficulties, and will often use paper or a white board to illustrate how your difficulties are maintaining themselves, and to show you the things and changes that need to happen to get you out of the vicious circles you find yourself in. I will teach you many skills and techniques to alleviate your difficulties in sessions and ask you to practice these outside of sessions.

Jag erbjuder hjälp för
Masennukseen/ahdistukseen Ihmissuhdeongelmiin Päihdeongelmaan/riippuvuuteen Työuupumukseen Vanhemmuuden haasteisiin Huonoon itsetuntoon Pahaan oloon Elämäntapamuutokseen Syömiseen liittyviin vaikeuksiin Sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoon Paniikkikohtauksiin Pakko-oireisiin Fobiaan/kammoon Vihanpurkauksien hallitsemiseen Seksuaalisiin ongelmiin Menneisyyteni käsittelyyn Seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön käsittelyyn Rikoksen uhriksi joutumisen, äkillisen menetyksen tai muun traumaattisen kokemuksen käsittelyyn Vaikeaan elämäntilanteeseen Itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin Kaksisuuntaiseen mielialahäiriöön Persoonallisuushäiriöön Henkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseen Univaikeuksiin Sukupuoli- tai seksuaali-identiteetin kysymyksiin Viiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseen Fyysisen sairauden käsittelemiseen
Kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö Kehitysvammaiset Kipuun liittyvät vaikeudet Lastensuojelun asiakkaat Monikulttuurisuus/maahanmuuttajat Neuropsykiatriset potilaat Pakko-oireinen häiriö Raskaus & synnytys Syömishäiriöiset potilaat
Min professionella bakgrund och kunnande

I am trained to doctoral level in the UK, where I can use the professional title of Clinical Psychologist. In Finland I can use the professional title of Psychologist, but I am also currently training to become a psychotherapist here in Finland at Åbo Akademi. I am trained to work with difficulties across the lifespan and have worked with clients of all ages using a wide range of treatment and therapeutic approaches. I am trained to do neuro-psychological assessments with all ages and have specialist training with children, adolescents and families, as well as in health psychology,. As well as this I have a specialist interest in postnatal maternal health. I am also a trained Cognitive Coach and can guide clients to discover the blocks that are holding them back in their personal and work-life, and how to realise their life and career goals

Mina patientgrupper

I work with children, adolescents & adults. I use a CBT orientated integrative evidence-based approach to treatment & psychological therapy, and am trained in the following therapeutic modalities: CBT, ACT, Compassion Focused Therapy, Systems, Mindfulness, Narrative, Motivational and Solution Focused approaches)

With adults, I work with depression, anxiety disorders (e.g. panic and OCD) eating disorders, grief, burnout, sleep & difficulties arising from ADHD & Autism. I can also support clients to adjust to living with chronic health conditions such as pain, HIV & diabetes. I have a special interest in maternal postnatal health, and can offer neuropsychological assessment.

With children and teenagers I can work with early childhood difficulties (toileting, fussy eating, sleep & tantrums) to more complex issues such as depression, anxiety disorders (e.g. panic & OCD) self-harming, eating disorders, body dysmorphia and trauma. I also offer neuropsychological assessment services.

Extra info

In the UK Clinical Psychologist are trained to doctoral level and work in clinic and public health settings while the are training. I am trained in assessment, diagnostics, case-formulation and in several therapeutic orientations. I am trained to think about clients holistically and to use a case-formulation and evidence-based approach. This means that I take the client and their contexts into account, while using the latest evidence to form treatment plans. I am trained to work with all ages and client groups and have done specialist placements with children, adolescents and families, as well as in clinical health psychology. My doctoral research was about trauma as a result of childbirth and postnatal depression.

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Pris för regelbunden session


Mer info om prissättning

170 for 80 minutes

Summary in English | Sammanfattning på svenska

I am and English and Swedish speaking psychologist offering short to long term CBT, cognitive & integrative therapy for adults, adolescents & children. I work with difficulties such as depression, anxiety (inc. OCD/panic), burn-out, trauma, postnatal mental health, body dysmorphia, eating disorders & issues around gender identity, LGBTQ+ & immigration. I offer neuro-psychological assessment & work with issues related to neurodiversity (e.g. ADHD & ASD)

KBT och integrativ terapi för vuxna, barn, ungdomar & familjer. Min inriktning är integrerad & evidensbaserad med KBT betoning. Jag använder även ACT, CFT, mindfulness, motivational Intervju & lösningsfokuserad terapi. Jag arbetar med depression, ångest (t.ex. OCD/panik), utbrändhet, trauma, postnatal psykisk hälsa, kroppsdysmorfi, ätstörningar & frågor kring könsidentitet, LGBQT+ & immigration. Jag erbjuder neuropsykologisk bedömning, och arbeta med frågor kring neurodiversitet