Hi, I am offering psychological therapy for stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, trauma, existential crisis, relationship problems, ADHD, etc. in English and Dutch. Feel free to contact me by mail for a face to face or online consultation. Check your spam folder for a response.
Psykoterapeutisk orientering
Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
Ytterligare utbilgningar
Kiintymyssuhteen tukeminen
Kriisit ja traumat
Kehopsykoterapeuttinen koulutus
Hurdan är jag som psykologi
My therapeutic style is open, collaborative, and integrative in nature, combining a holistic approach with evidence-based treatments, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) ,Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), Internal Family Systems (IFS) Coherence Therapy (CT), Mindfulness-Based Therapy, and Somatic Therapy.
My intention is to create a safe haven and supportive space to not only heal, but to learn, grow, be seen, and be heard.
My goal is to support, guide and empower you to reconnect with your authentic self by incorporating all aspects of body, mind and soul. At the same time we are building positive adaptive coping skills to enable you to thrive in modern day life.
Vad gör man i mina sessioner
During the first sessions, we explore your current situation, request for help, your expectations and my therapy style. Together we decide if we are a ‘good fit’. If we both agree to engage, short and long terms goals will be determined and together we will create an action plan tailored to your needs. During our therapy sessions, I will take notes, ask questions, and provide feedback and perspective, while encouraging you to develop your own hypotheses and insights. Although, each session may vary in content and focus our established action plan will serve as our guideline. You will learn more about yourself and be provided tools and homework to help manage the many struggles life can throw at us. As we go along, we will assess our progress and determine whether the initial goals were achieved or need to be reformulated, and when you are ready to end counselling.
Jag erbjuder hjälp för
Masennukseen/ahdistukseenIhmissuhdeongelmiinTyöuupumukseenVanhemmuuden haasteisiinHuonoon itsetuntoonPahaan oloonElämäntapamuutokseenSyömiseen liittyviin vaikeuksiinSosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoonPaniikkikohtauksiinPakko-oireisiinFobiaan/kammoonVihanpurkauksien hallitsemiseenSeksuaalisiin ongelmiinMenneisyyteni käsittelyynSeksuaalisen hyväksikäytön käsittelyynVaikeaan elämäntilanteeseenItsetuhoisiin ajatuksiinHenkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseenUnivaikeuksiinSukupuoli- tai seksuaali-identiteetin kysymyksiinViiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseenFyysisen sairauden käsittelemiseenPersoonallisuushäiriöönKaksisuuntaiseen mielialahäiriöönRikoksen uhriksi joutumisen, äkillisen menetyksen tai muun traumaattisen kokemuksen käsittelyyn
Min professionella bakgrund och kunnande
I am a clinical psychologist licensed in both Finland and Belgium. I hold a master’s degree in Psychology from the Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven), Belgium. Before moving to Finland I worked as a private practitioner in a multidisciplinary group practice.
In addition, I have completed the following trainings: - Coherence Therapy – Bruce Ecker (2024 - ongoing) - Minding the Heart, Experiential Therapy – Dr. Tori Olds (2023 - ongoing) - Transformational Keys – Malou Laureys (2022-ongoing) - Breathwork Facilitator and Teacher Training – Innercamp (2022) - Emotion-Focused Therapy – Leslie Greenberg (2022) - Spiritual Psychology – Alef Trust, Liverpool University (2021) - Existential Well-being Counselling: A person-centered approach – KU Leuven (2021) - Transformational Breathing – Transformational Breath Foundation (2017) - Health Consultant – Groene Dag vzw (2015-2016) - Psycho-Energetic Coaching – Timotheus Project (2012-2014)
Mina patientgrupper
I work with adolescents (+16y) and adults.
Extra info
I usually respond within 48 hours. If you have not received a response within this timeframe, I recommend checking your spam folder and/or contacting me by phone (+358 44 9445717 ) or on the following email annelies@compasspsychology.fi
Pris för inledande besök
Pris för regelbunden session
Mer info om prissättning
Sessions held between 9am and 5pm will be charged at the following rates: 110€ for individual sessions (50 minutes) 175€ for extended individual sessions (80 minutes) 125€ for couples or family therapy sessions (50 minutes) 200€ for extended couples or family therapy sessions (80 minutes)
There is an out of hours surcharge for all sessions starting at or after 5pm of 10€.
This fee also includes all phone calls and letters with the client and other health professionals. If you require a psychological report this is an additional cost.
Before booking the first session I offer a free 15 minute phone call.
Please be aware that there are no KELA rebates for Clinical Psychology services in Finland.
Summary in English | Sammanfattning på svenska
Hi, I am a Dutch & English-speaking clinical psychologist, offering psychological therapy for stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, trauma, existential crisis, relationship problems, ADHD, etc. My goal is to support, guide and empower you to reconnect with your authentic self by incorporating all aspects of body, mind and soul. At the same time we are building positive adaptive coping skills to enable you to thrive in modern day life. Feel free to contact me by mail for a face to face or online consultation. Please also check your spam folder for a response.