Hemsidan / Hitta hjälp / Amy Lindroos

Amy Lindroos

Psykologin keskusteluhoito Psykologi, Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
Vestlax, Vestlax
Englanti Ruotsi
Aikuiset 18-67v Nuoret 13-17v Lapset alle 13v
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I am a CBT-trained English-speaking psychologist. I offer psychological therapy for stress, depression, anxiety, integration challenges, insomnia, trauma, anger, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality disorders, postpartum-related issues, and eating disorders. I also work in Swedish.
Psykoterapeutisk orientering
  • Kognitiivinen käyttäytymisterapia
  • Integratiivinen
Hurdan är jag som psykologi

I work with a team of psychologists at Compass Psychology. I meet clients in Helsinki two days a month (one day every other week). The rest of the time, I meet clients for online therapy. I also work in Swedish and have another physical reception on Kimitoön.

My approach to psychological therapy is evidence-based and goal-oriented. I am easy to work with and know what to do to help you move toward greater mental well-being. Goals are discussed and decided upon early in therapy. I work with tools primarily from the CBT framework which I teach throughout sessions. I also use tools from CAT, ACT, DBT, mindfulness, and self-compassion. By the end of treatment, clients are better equipped to take care of their own mental health.

Vad gör man i mina sessioner

I speak on the phone with my clients prior to their first session. During the phone call, I aim to establish a good relationship with the client while trying to understand the nature of the presenting problem. Clients can expect that the first few sessions are devoted to trying to understand the presenting problem better, establishing treatment goals, and working on a treatment plan. This process is typically healing and motivating for clients. A timeframe for the treatment is also established early on so that realistic goals are established for the timeframe that we have. Subsequent sessions are devoted to working through the treatment plan, evaluating how it is going, and making adjustments as needed. Between-session activities should be expected which we collaboratively decide on together.

Jag erbjuder hjälp för
Masennukseen/ahdistukseen Ihmissuhdeongelmiin Työuupumukseen Vanhemmuuden haasteisiin Huonoon itsetuntoon Pahaan oloon Elämäntapamuutokseen Syömiseen liittyviin vaikeuksiin Sosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoon Paniikkikohtauksiin Pakko-oireisiin Fobiaan/kammoon Vihanpurkauksien hallitsemiseen Menneisyyteni käsittelyyn Rikoksen uhriksi joutumisen, äkillisen menetyksen tai muun traumaattisen kokemuksen käsittelyyn Vaikeaan elämäntilanteeseen Itsetuhoisiin ajatuksiin Persoonallisuushäiriöön Henkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseen Univaikeuksiin Viiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseen Kaksisuuntaiseen mielialahäiriöön Päihdeongelmaan/riippuvuuteen Sukupuoli- tai seksuaali-identiteetin kysymyksiin Fyysisen sairauden käsittelemiseen
Seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolisuuden monimuotoisuus Syömishäiriöiset potilaat Raskaus & synnytys Neuropsykiatriset potilaat Monikulttuurisuus/maahanmuuttajat
Min professionella bakgrund och kunnande

I completed my bachelor's degree in psychology at the University of Toronto, Canada. My master's degree in psychology was completed at Åbo Akademi, Turku. I completed advanced studies in personality disorders, addictions, and eating disorders. I have taken a course in mindfulness and use mindfulness in my clinical practice. I have completed training in CBT and motivational interviewing.

I am knowledgeable and have worked with a wide range of issues including anxiety, depression, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, insomnia, anger, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality disorders, postpartum-related issues, eating disorders, and stress. I work with individuals going through a crisis and those with relationship challenges. I provide psychological services for individuals with neuropsychiatric disorders to find tools and solutions for challenges in daily life. I work with parents who are struggling with their mental health and those who need parenting support.

Mina patientgrupper

I meet clients in Helsinki two days a month. The rest of the time I meet clients remotely for online therapy.
My online psychological therapy is available for teens (15+) and adults.
I only work with children under 15 at my physical reception in Helsinki and Kimitoön.

Extra info

På Svenska:
Jag erbjuder psykologisk behandling i Helsingfors, på Kimitoön, och på distans för barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Jag jobbar med individer som har symptom av ångest, depression, trauma, sömnsvårigheter, personlighetsstörningar, ilska, tvångssyndrom, beteendeproblem, förlossningsdepression och stress. Jag stöder individer som går genom en kris eller som har relationsproblem. Jag erbjuder psykologiska tjänster till individer med neuropsykiatriska diagnoser (så som ADHD eller autismspektrumtillstånd) eller symptom för att hitta lösningar till utmaningar som förekommer i det dagliga livet. Jag jobbar med föräldrar som behöver verktyg för att bättre kunna stöda sina barn som lider av mentalohälsa eller ett neuropsykiatriskt tillstånd. Jag arbetar främst med verktyg från KBT-ramen som jag lär ut under sessionerna. Jag använder även verktyg från DBT, ACT, CAT, mindfulness och självmedkänsla. Ta gärna kontakt med eventuella frågor.

Pris för inledande besök


Pris för regelbunden session


Mer info om prissättning

Individual therapy sessions of 50 minutes 105€
Individual extended therapy sessions of 80 minutes 170€
Sessions starting at or after 4 pm have a 10€ out-of-hours surcharge.

The fee includes the work we do in session as well as between-session activities.
The fee includes all phone calls and letters with the client and with other health professionals if required.
If you require a psychological report this is an additional cost. Please be aware that there are no KELA rebates for Clinical Psychology services in Finland.
I am able to take on new clients at present and would be able to see you within one or two weeks of first contact. I cannot offer same-day appointments from the time that you contact me, as I usually have a fully booked schedule. I offer a free 15-minute phone call before booking the first session and will arrange a time for this phone call over email prior to booking the first session.