Based on 28 yrs of experience in different cultural and work contexts I offer a range of psychological services for individuals and couples, aimed at enhancing your well-being and life-satisfaction. Depending on interest I will facilitate a group in dance and expressive therapy starting September.
Kriisit ja traumat
Millainen psykologi olen
There are transformative psychological processes inherent in all human beings. I offer clients a respectful and supportive professional relationship that enhances these “natural” processes. Central to my work is the effort to grasp “where the client is at”, to understand his/her emotional experience, thought processes and relationship networks. I enable clients to become aware of and build on their own resources, i.e. their strengths, abilities and talents. Drawing on careful listening, knowledge and experience, I ask questions and sometimes offer explanations. This can enable clients to develop constructive perspectives on, and paths out of, current difficulties. Sometimes I gently challenge.
Mitä istunnoillani tehdään
Based on our histories, we learn strategies for handling life’s challenges. These strategies include typical ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. We tend to use them automatically and unconsciously. In the course of our development and as life circumstances change, previously effective strategies may become dysfunctional. I help clients to recognise and understand these patterns. Together we identify how the client can transform the patterns so that they can enhance psychological wellbeing. Rediscovering resources, i.e. strengths, supportive life experiences and interests, can provide a stepping- stone for developing new strategies. My approach is integrative and includes elements of the following: systemic and family therapy, narrative therapy, trauma therapy, expressive therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy. At the core of my work is a supportive and accepting therapeutic relationship that provides the safety needed to develop constructive perspectives on current challenges.
Tarjoan apua
Masennukseen/ahdistukseenIhmissuhdeongelmiinTyöuupumukseenHuonoon itsetuntoonPahaan oloonElämäntapamuutokseenSyömiseen liittyviin vaikeuksiinSosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoonMenneisyyteni käsittelyynSeksuaalisen hyväksikäytön käsittelyynRikoksen uhriksi joutumisen, äkillisen menetyksen tai muun traumaattisen kokemuksen käsittelyynVaikeaan elämäntilanteeseenItsetuhoisiin ajatuksiinPersoonallisuushäiriöönHenkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseenUnivaikeuksiinSukupuoli- tai seksuaali-identiteetin kysymyksiinViiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseen
Seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolisuuden monimuotoisuusVakavasti traumatisoituneet potilaat ja dissosiaatiohäiriötSyömishäiriöiset potilaatPersoonallisuushäiriötMonikulttuurisuus/maahanmuuttajat
Ammatillinen taustani ja osaamiseni
Professional training as a clinical psychologist (Masters degree), University of Johannesburg, South Africa, completed 1988 Ph.D. in social psychology, University of South Africa, 1998 Family Therapy training: Institute of Family Therapy, Rome, 1992 and 1993 Certificate: Training and education of trauma practitioners, Johannesburg, 2003-2004 Certificate in dance- and expressive therapy, Centrum für Integrale Tanz- und Ausdruckstherapie/ Coaching, Munich, 2008-2012 EMDR Basic training, Centre for Trauma Therapy, Helsinki, 2014-2015 While working as a psychologist at the Psychotherapeutic Centre, Kitzberg Clinic Germany (4 years, full-time), I was responsible for case management, including group and individual psychotherapy, of patients suffering from a range of disorders, including post traumatic stress disorder, depression, personality disorders, anorexia nervosa and somatoform disorders. I participated in regular in-house training and supervision.
Dance and expressive therapy (IDET) group, starting 19.01.2023
In IDET expression through movement, body awareness and the act of creating are the focal points. Physical movement can enable flow on other levels of being, including the cognitive and emotional spheres. IDET facilitates creativity and allows participants to experience joy. It provides the opportunity for engagement in a non-threatening activity. and for interacting with others in potentially liberating ways.
IDET does not include dancing to particular steps nor any requirement in dancing skill. It is about movement to express and explore your emotions and experiences.
Structure of the therapy: • Closed group: the group will stay the same throughout the process and people should make a commitment to participate in all the sessions. • Time limited: the process will consist of eight fortnightly, 2-hour sessions • Small group: maximum twelve participants, minimum of eight.