Do you seek a psychotherapist who sees and values you holistically, not as a disorder or a label? Welcome to a safe, accepting, and non-judgmental space - online or in person - to unpack/find resolution to your life issues using an integrative therapeutic approach or Emotionally Focused Therapy.
Psykoterapeutisk orientering
Kelan kuntoutuspsykoterapia
Ytterligare utbilgningar
Kiintymyssuhteen tukeminen
Hurdan är jag som terapeut
People often express feeling peace around me. I am perceptive, analytical, intuitive and resourceful. My approach is strength-based, collaborative, and compassionate rooted in the belief that clients are the best experts on their own lives. Part of my strength is developing a deep understanding of each unique situation; explore and implement strategies to help clients reach their goals while respecting their autonomy and self-determination.
Vad gör man i mina sessioner
Naturally, the first session consists of getting to know you, your background, what brought you to therapy, and your goals. We will review and complete a therapy agreement. We will follow up with a more thorough assessment during which your goals are perhaps further clarified. We will draft a therapy plan and review time that will be the basis of our sessions. In reality, new things may come up in between sessions, for example critical life events may lead us to deal with other issues but we will get back to our initial plan to reach your goals or revised goals.
Jag erbjuder hjälp för
Masennukseen/ahdistukseenIhmissuhdeongelmiinPäihdeongelmaan/riippuvuuteenTyöuupumukseenVanhemmuuden haasteisiinHuonoon itsetuntoonPahaan oloonElämäntapamuutokseenSosiaalisten tilanteiden pelkoonPaniikkikohtauksiinPakko-oireisiinVihanpurkauksien hallitsemiseenSeksuaalisiin ongelmiinMenneisyyteni käsittelyynSeksuaalisen hyväksikäytön käsittelyynRikoksen uhriksi joutumisen, äkillisen menetyksen tai muun traumaattisen kokemuksen käsittelyynVaikeaan elämäntilanteeseenItsetuhoisiin ajatuksiinHenkilökohtaiseen kasvuun ja kehitykseenViiltelyyn tai muuhun itsensä vahingoittamiseen
Vakavasti traumatisoituneet potilaat ja dissosiaatiohäiriötMonikulttuurisuus/maahanmuuttajat
Min professionella bakgrund och kunnande
I am a member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) since 2019 and a supervisor member of ACA's School of Supervision since 2021.
I have a Master of Counselling from the University of Divinity (Australia). Additionally, from the Australian Institute of family Counselling, I have a Graduate Diploma of Counselling and integrated Psychotherapy, Advanced-Diploma of Counselling and Family Therapy, and a Diploma of Counselling.
Attachment theory is important in my work. I have completed Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy Externship and Core Skills, Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy Level 1 & 2, and Emotionally Focused Family therapy Level 1. I am a member of the Tunnekeskeinen pariterapiayhdistys.
Specific interest: completion of RCM DID training Program Level 1 for non-ritual abuse survivors, currently completing Level 2 DID with Ritual abuse survivors.
Finally, I am a certified Grief Educator based on David Kessler’s Grief Educator Program.
Mina patientgrupper
Individuals, Couples Families Clients with Dissociative Identity Disorders (DID)
Less than 16 years old children only with their guardians.
Kela reimbursed family psychotherapy to clients meeting their criteria for family therapy (age 16-67 years old) Kela reimbursed parental guidance sessions related to 16- to 25-year-old individual therapies.
Pris för inledande besök
Pris för regelbunden session
Mer info om prissättning
Individual Therapy 70€ for 45 minutes 93€ for 60 minutes
Couples and families 99€ for 60 minutes 140€ for 90 minutes
Summary in English | Sammanfattning på svenska
Do you seek a psychotherapist who sees and values you holistically and not as a disorder or a label? Do you seek a safe space where your multicultural life journey is fully appreciated? I am a Third Culture Adult and can appreciate first hand the richness and impact of your intercultural experiences. I provide a safe, accepting, and non-judgmental space- online or in person- to unpack and find resolution to your life issues using an integrative therapeutic approach or Emotionally Focused Therapy. Contact me to book an appointment at or through my webpage